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Natural Medicine Week 2020

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Celebrating Natural Medicine

At Next Wave Therapy we offer the world’s best indicated natural medicines to help you move, think and feel alive.

Hippocrates, the founder of Western medicine was the first to advocate fresh air, a healthy diet and exercise as being important for maintaining one’s own health.⁠ ⁠

Sometimes, we need more help.⁠
Natural medicines offer this help.⁠ ⁠

Our physiotherapy, occupational therapy and naturopathy services help you to utilise the natural resources available from the environment and within you.⁠ ⁠

We help you bring balance in your life, whether that is to overcome injury or pain, recover after ill health, rehabilitate after surgery, manage mental health⁠ or learn ways of living well with a chronic condition. ⁠ ⁠

We love that by using natural resources, we can give you the means to sustain your own good health.⁠ ⁠

Natural Medicines offered at Next Wave Therapy include

🥑 Healthy eating advice⁠ and nutrtitional supplementation
🛌 Getting a good night’s sleep therapy
🏃 Exercise and physical rehabilitation⁠
💗 Self care⁠, productivity and leisure (gaining occupational balance)
🏄 Love what do and living a meaningful life ⁠
👩‍❤️‍👨 Counselling ⁠
🌻 Herbal medicine⁠
☯️ Acupuncture and acupressure⁠
👐 Massage⁠
🏋🏼‍♀️ Strength and resistance training⁠
🧘🏻‍♀️ Yoga, mindfulness and meditation⁠

What is the natural medicine approach?

Naturopathy uses natural medicines that support the bodies ability to heal itself.

Natural medicines are our oldest medicine, tried and proven by the ancient people of the earth over thousands of years. Their use in more recent times is backed by extensive scientific and clinical research

Naturopath’s and therapists that use natural medicine follow 6 key principles. These are;

  1. First, do no harm (Primum non nocere)

  2. Facilitate the healing power of nature (Vis mediatrix naturae) This relates to both a person’s innate vitality (healing potential) and the use of natural medicines

  3. Identify and treat the cause (Tolle causum). Correct diagnosis of underlying cause(s) and contributer(s) through a comprehensive assessment is the starting point of accurate prescription and has positive treatment outcomes.

  4. Doctor as teacher (Docere). Education is empowering and healing.

  5. Treat the whole person (Tolle totum). We are more than the sum or our parts and we treat in context of a persons living environment.

  6. Prevention as cure (Praevenic).

What are the risks of natural medicine ?

In our modern, fast paced society there is an increased tendency for people to reach for a natural medicine without professional guidance.
Sometimes it works but sometimes it doesn’t.

A naturopathy approach is not just about pills, potions or changing your diet or lifestyle. Without consultation and holistic view of your health problems, the essential ingredient of supporting your bodies own healing potential or vital force is at risk of being overlooked.

Unfortunately, with this are common mistakes in thinking when it comes to natural therapies. For example;

“It’s natural – therefore it is safe”
“I can easily get it, therefore I can self prescribe.⁠”
“If I don’t get better, it’s the natural medicine that didn’t work.⁠”
“If it worked for my friend then it will also work for me.⁠”⁠

If you have been taking a herbal or nutritional supplement or using massage, diet or exercise and have had no change in symptoms, please see your doctor and/or a qualified therapist.⁠ ⁠ For herbal medicine or nutritional supplementation we recommend you see a naturopath or health professional who has qualifications in this area of medicine. ⁠ ⁠


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