3a/352 South Street O’Connor WA 6163 | (08) 93376460

Massage Therapy

Yearning for a restorative massage in O’Connor? Then wait no longer because Next Wave Therapy offers a range of different massage therapies to cover all your needs.

Our experienced occupational therapists, Sasha Wray and Carleen Ginter, heal your mind, body and soul using Deep Tissue Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy, Hot Stones, Relaxation Massage and Acupressure.

Whether you want to relax and de-stress or relieve muscle tension, rehabilitate injured muscles or boost immunity, book a professional massage in the Fremantle area today!

Relaxation Massage

Relaxation Massage uses long, smooth gliding strokes with gentle to medium pressure to relax and soothe your mind, body and soul. Belinda maintains a light touch so that you experience a pain-free massage that can boost healing, relieve back pain and banish insomnia.


Acupressure is a form of follows principles similar to that of acupuncture. Finger pressure is applied to specific ‘points’ on the body which signals changes for physical, psychological and spiritual wellbeing.

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage uses slow, firm strokes and pressure to target the deep layer of tissues and muscles in your body and target knots to aid healing. Combining this with trigger point release helps to release muscle tension and treat referred pain. Deep Tissue Massage is recommended for sports injuries, fibromyalgia, sciatica and tennis elbow.

Hot Stone Massage

Hot stones are a form of heat therapy for treating a body part or within a soft tissue massage. Heat therapy improves circulation and blood flow to a specific area. It can relax muscles and aid healing of injured tissue. Therapeutic use of heat is indicated for conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, endometrioisis, muscle pain, arthritic pain and fibromyalgia.

Better Health at Next Wave Therapy

Don’t wait too long before booking a massage in O’Connor or the wider Fremantle area at Next Wave Therapy because your physical and mental health is important!

For help deciding which massage is best for your health, call us on 08 9337 6460 or send us an email enquiry. If you want to make an appointment with Belinda, please book online.