How To Start An Exercise Routine And Stick To It!

Many people start exercising with good intentions, but end up frustrated, disheartened or injured. It’s a common experience that many of us face when beginning a new exercise routine. We start off strong, but it can end up falling apart quickly. In fact, this is so prevalent in Australia that only 1 in 4 of us are managing to hit the recommended physical activity guidelines. (Reference Department of Health)

These guidelines recommend those aged 18-64 undertake weekly exercise for:

  • 150-300 minutes of moderate intensity physical exercise, OR
  • 75-150 minutes of vigorous intensity physical exercise, OR
  • A combination of both

It is also recommended that strength focused exercise be included on at least 2 days per week. This can seem a daunting task to begin and an even more difficult one to stick to.

So, how can you start your exercise routine and stick to it?

Starting a successful exercise routine

Getting the foundations of your exercise routine right can go a long way to making it successful over the long term. Here are 3 things to consider when beginning your exercise journey.

1. Enjoyment in Exercise

Find something that is fun and enjoyable This is simple.

If you enjoy what you do, you are more likely to do it, less likely to fall off the bike and will find it easier to hit your exercise goals. If you hate the gym environment, don’t go to a gym. If running is not your thing, don’t run. If you love swimming, get in a pool. If you enjoy social sports, join a team. If you don’t know what you enjoy, find someone you enjoy being with and find something to do together!

Some great exercise ideas to try could be:

  • Dancing

  • Paddle boarding or kayaking

  • Martial Arts

  • Bushwalking

  • Rock climbing

Think outside of the box and find something that works for you!

2. Consistency

Find a strategy that keeps you exercising consistently This follows from number 1, however, it can be difficult to maintain consistency even when you enjoy what you do. Exercising is not always the easiest or most enjoyable thing to do, so finding a way to stay consistent is important. A few tips to help you stay consistent are:

  • Find an exercise buddy – Exercising with someone else can help keep you accountable, keep you motivated and make the experience more enjoyable.

  • Create a program – Developing a specific program or regime around your exercise. Our body gets better at the things we do most often so be intentional about your exercise program. Consulting a physiotherapist or trainer can be helpful in developing a program that works for you.

  • Set goals – Giving yourself something to work towards will help direct your effort and motivate you to continue. Set some short and long term goals to help you stay on track.

  • Schedule in your exercise – Put your exercise routine in your calendar just like you would any other appointment. If exercise is important to you, dedicate a specific time to it. It doesn’t have to be a large block of time, but it does have to be a priority in your day.

3. Meaning

Find meaning in the exercise you do. Having a reason to exercise may be the most important thing you do.

Sometimes exercise can be hard, there may be aspects of exercise that are not your favorite but are important to do regardless. And sometimes being in bed is far more appealing than waking up early and heading out in the cold. It is in these moments when having a reason to exercise is important.

Being able to remind yourself of why you started in the first place will help to get you through the tough parts. Whether it be for a specific health or sporting goal, improving your ability to play with your kids or being able to improve your surfing, it is important to have meaning behind why you are exercising.

Physiotherapy Helps You Exercise Right

These tips are just a few ideas on starting an exercise routine. The important thing is to get started. Even if it is imperfect, getting moving more throughout the week will begin to improve your physical and mental health.

It is helpful to get help from a physiotherapist when you

  • need help in getting started

  • don’t know how to move forward with your exercise routine

  • have an injury that is making exercise difficult

A physiotherapist at Next Wave Therapy can assess your physical fitness and limitations. They will help you to create an exercise plan that is right for you. This personalized planning takes into account your lifestyle needs as well as your physical needs.

There are so many ways that exercise can be incorporated into your life and that we can help you to build strength and confidence. It may be that you want to focus on functional fitness (the fitness needed for everyday living) or you may want to start a sport or develop your athleticism.

The physiotherapy team at Next Wave Therapy work with people of all ages and abilities. They love helping people to move, think and feel alive.

Get in touch to find out more.

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