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Getting back into exercise the easy way


Getting Back Into Exercise… The Easy Way?

So we have all been there.

It’s been a while since you last exercised… you are feeling inspired.

“I do want to make a positive change and get active”, you tell yourself. Only… how do you do that? Running? Cycling? Swimming? Gym? All sound good, but where do you start?

Getting back into exercise is a daunting task for everyone, whether you used to be an elite athlete, or you last exercised in mandatory high school sports class.

In this blog I will look to address a number of topics relating to getting back into exercise including: common barriers, factors for deciding which form of exercise is for you, benefits of getting back into exercise (just in case you aren’t quite sold yet), as well as a brief insight into a physiotherapist’s role in helping you get back into exercise.

I’ve heard a lot about this exercise thing but I’m not quite sold, why should I do it?

Glad you asked!

Exercise, in whatever form it may take has a number of excellent benefits to everyone. Avoiding going into any great detail (and trust me there is a lot of detail), I will give you the compressed version of why exercise is great for you and why you should get back into exercise.

  • Exercising reduces pain levels

  • Exercising improves mental health

  • Exercising improves not only your life expectancy, but also your quality of life

  • Exercise boosts your immune system

If you need more convincing or you just want to have a bit more of an in detail read on why exercise is great, click here.

Alright, I’m convinced, exercise seems great. What are some factors that might stop me getting back into it? And how do I get around these barriers?

Good to hear!

Well there are a few factors we commonly hear as to why it’s hard to get back into exercise. Ill make it easy and list them out, then we can address them all.

  • Limited/No equipment at home

  • Limited access to other facilities and/or services to exercise (topical and relatable)

  • “I don’t know which exercise form is for me!”

  • Limited time

  • Limited finances

  • Injuries… including loading injuries from starting exercise again

 “It’s been a while and I’m nervous about starting exercise again around other people”

It really is a bit of a list, and makes the decision to start exercising quite a tough one to pull the trigger on (especially if you have previously tried and ended up getting injured). Luckily, with a little help you can very easily break through these barriers!

The great thing about exercise is it comes in so many forms with so many options.

There is sure to be a mode that suits you! Amongst the most common and popular we see; running, cycling, swimming, and gym. The best advice I can give for choosing is, choose a form of exercise that you like doing! This will help immensely! Motivation to exercise is already hard enough to find, why make it harder by choosing something you don’t like?

There are many protocols and procedures for how you can begin exercise.

Many of these include fancy structures and require a bit of an initial price point to get into. Best evidence, however, leads to the conclusion that when getting into exercise the best thing to do is… just start! Aches, pains and niggles are all part of getting into exercise, it is normal. We can deal with a lot of these issues as they arise.

Once you get started you can start looking at more structured programs (an example of this would be the couch to 5km program). Overload injuries are always a risk when you first get back into exercise. Whilst they are a risk, I would still recommend that to get yourself started just get moving.

See how your body reacts to the first day of exercise (remember some aches and niggles are to be expected!). If your body bounces back within a day or two, great! Keep working at a similar intensity. Not sore at all? Ok probably work a little harder. Very sore? Go see a physio.

With a physiotherapist’s expertise they can help you create a program that will appropriately consider load management.

So in essence… find something you like, give it a go, don’t freak out when you get a little sore the day after!

If you are having any troubles still with getting started, or you just can not think of any exercises you can do. Come in and book an appointment with one of our highly skilled physiotherapists. They will work with you to create a program made for you, doing exercises you like (hopefully), that fit in with your life.

Written by Zac Betts B. Physiotherapy

Copyright Next Wave Therapy

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